Monday, October 24, 2011

12th week

hey famdamily
so life sounds fun back home. dont worry not as fun as the mission. but still i miss you guys. thats crazy you have been in primary for that long. it seems like you have only done it for like a year or two. so sunday school. thats going to be fun and a challenge. make the lessons fun. so people will pay attention. dad im glad you didnt get shot. those dang kids. any way. so mexico thats fun that your going but it still sucks that your going without me you crazy heads. you dont have to pick me up from the mission. we can just go to mexico instead. wink. so i am staying in moore for at least 6 more weeks. but it will more likely be 12 or 18. but who knows i know im in the lords hands and this is were he wants me. so elder packer came and spoke to us this week. it was on Thursday, it was good and long. lots of inspiration and spiritually high. but we stayed up talking tell like 1 o'clock. (it wont happen again) so we were all super sleepy. he talked about retaining your converts. and making a lasting conversion. it was really deep and awesome.
so im sending you a letter today. it has like 7 pics in it and a tape so it will be allot of awesomeness. sorry it took so long. im just so busy. and lazy when i comes to writing letters. i haven't gotten nanas package yet but hopefully it will be today or tomorrow. the mission office is really backed up right now because of all thats going on. so the mission office could have it, and they just haven't sent it out yet. so yea end of transfers have come. its crazy how fast time flys by here. back home a month takes for ever it just keeps going on and on. but here in the mission field time goes buy faster than race horse with rocket busters. (just throwing in some southern language) it seems like i just got here in moore. elder forsyth is going home on Wednesday. so he is basicly "checked out". that trunky monkey. so the last area i was in (mustang) is getting shut down! so the missionary work is stoped completely for at least 12 weeks. maybe even longer. elder Damon is getting sent to a different zone and he became a jr comp. so something must have happened. like really something bad. areas that big dont just get shut down like that. unless the members hate the missionary's there.
ive said this before and i will say it again. the members here are so sweet! they just love the missionarys. we are continuing to get fed every night and we have gotten 3 invites to thanks giving. we will have to go over for a sample dinner and see who is the best cook. (wink) but yea the members are all ways giving us stuff. like i got a Buffalo headed nickel form some members and they bought elder curtis a shirt, we get free 5 guys burgers and fries. and papa Murphy's when ever we want. because the members just hook us up.
no i haven't fainted again. so hopefully all is well with that. i will try and send you a video some how. but you will have to be patiant with me. thanks for the cds again. i listen to them allot. Cd's are a big thing here. so i bought some blanks to burn some of the cds that other elders have. its crazy when you cant listen to regular music. how much church music there is out there. like artist that i never herd of befor. and they sing so beautiful. i might haft to send some music home. just so you can feel the spirit im feeling.
i just finished the book of mormon. again but this is my  first time on a mission. its so great. i love the book of mormon! i just want to spend so much more time reading it. it has become my new bathroom reader.
so im still playing the uke. its such a sweet instrument. all the songs that you can play on it. and they are just so simple and soft sounding. we make up songs all the time. we made up one about elder forsyth going home, and one about how Soto uses Nair for men. lol. there is this tongan family in our ward. we went over for dinner with them and they taught me some sweet songs. they own like 10 ukes. one has mother of pearl in it. and it cost like $600. but it was so awesome sounding. some times i wish i was rich. jkjk i would rather be a missionary.
on Saturday we did help with the steak service project. it was form 8-12 and we just cleaned up this park. people in Oklahoma are disgusting! we cleaned up trash for 4 hour es. we had like 200 people there. and the park still looks like crap. better than it did before but still not like parks in UT. and some of the stuff you would pick up like seriously! i picked up 3 condoms a couple of tampons. some underwear. a couple of shoes. beer cans, a ugly sweater, a dog or fox skull, hundreds and hundreds of cigarette butts and some old hot dogs. wow it was crazy. this park probably hasn't been this clean since the day they opened it. its a huge park though. like 10 Base ball diamonds, a foot Ball Field, 2 soccer Fields, 3 playgrounds, a sledding hill, 20 picnics areas, and a skate park. i was surprised at all the people to show up. it was just as much as our steak projects if not More.
well so thats my life so far, i hope you all have a happy week. what are you going to do for Halloween? what are you guys going to dress up as? and are you going to carve a pumpkin? were going to next p-day.
love you guys so much! stay missionary spirited. all ways look for those opportunity in you life. help some one out. give away a Bof M. do some service for somebody. give the missionary's a referral. what ever you do. keep up the faith!
Elder Payton Clements
ps my new nick name is clameto.

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