Monday, July 16, 2012

Elder Clements Has been out a YEAR!!!!

hi family
do first off i got your package. it came on Friday so i dont know what took it so  long. these dang mail men holding back our letters. but it was so great, i loved everything i got in it. the avengers picture is so cool. i want a really big one to put up on the wall. were thinking about buying a real avengers poster and then pasting the book of Mormon hero's on there. the movie you made was so great i loved it. those movies are the best. we watched it after district meeting and all of the missionary's said that that was the coolest birthday present they have ever seen. it was great, i want to watch it all the time. but that would make me trunky. 
so this week has been good. its been raining like all week. just on and off. its good because we need the rain. this summer was nothing compaired to last summer. its been over 100 like three times but other than that it hasn't been to bad. 
on pday we played risk for like three hours. and i totally won but elder platt was super pissed after, he doesn't really liker loosing to much. so after that we played monopoly and then i won again and he got even more pissed. but he shouldn't complain he landed on free parking like ten times. i just got him with the greens. but i don't think he will ever play a board game with me again. after that we went over to this family house for dinner. there really cool. they make all there own furniture out of old suitcases and books and doors and stuff, plus they sell there stuff. you would love there house mom. but they fed us these bomb potatoes. and okra (its like this weird salty vegetable) they used to be less active but then he was called into the branch presidency. it was cool. i like when they do that because he wouldn't have come back to church any other way. 
Thursday not really alot happened that day, we taught this lesson  to this old couple, we taught about prophets and the restoration, and about Jesus Christ. it was really good the spirit was just flowing, and then all of a sudden we asked them if they would like to be baptized and they said i have all ready been baptized. (that's like a missionary's worst nightmare) so we had to explain authority and that there preacher didn't have it and basically that they had been taught wrong all of there life. its all ways a hard thing to do because it call either go really good or really bad. this time it went bad. we told them to pray about it and to ask God if what we were teaching was true. and they said that we wouldn't come there and tell them a lie so hopefully it all goes well. 
on Friday we went on exchanges with the district leader. and he helped us double up or area. so we had four missionary's in one area. it was good because we could get twice as much work done. there names is elder Robb and elder Robison. its kind of funny they call themselves Robb squared. but me and elder Robison helped this family tile there house. it was super crazy. i remember how hard it was to tile our house. but this was even harder because we did the walls and shower. i still don't have all of the mud off me. elder Robson is kind of a city boy. so he hasn't done any manual labor in his life. so he was struggling with helping but it was good. they got the work done like twice as fast with us there. and they were so great full. the lady has back problems so she couldn't help, so they would have had to do like three tiles at a time. but with out help we managed to do five boxes worth of tiles. the husband isn't a member and he was really impressed with the way we were so willing to help out.  so hope fully we can teach him and share the Gospel. 
on Sunday we went to church, shocking. but they had pioneer talks and this one guy got up there and started giving a history lesson. he teaches at the collage here. and he is a history teacher. so he went on and on and on about the pioneers and not really about the spiritual side of it. it was crazy all kind of statistics and facts. it was interesting but not really uplifting. 
i finished the book of Mormon for like the eighth time on the mission so how did you guys do? did you finish? 
well that's about it for this week i love you all so much. thanks for the package and the candy and the movie. 
love you all so much 
Elder Clements 

We also got a letter from Payton:
Hey guys,
So life is good.  You know how it is, the area is good, the apartment is good.  The members feed us alot and so it's hard to stay skinny.  I have definitely have grown up physically, spiritually, and mentally.  So yea the branch is small but good, we have alot of people were teaching, my favorite is the King family.  They have 4 little girls and were teaching the oldest two girls.  There so excited to have the missionaries over.  they use us as a Jungle gym.  But the little 5 year old was sitting by me and she all of the sudden she leans over and sniffs my neck and she says you smell good.   They're crazy, and full of piss and vinegar.  Plus they have 6 puppies and a baby and there all in gymnastics so they want to show us all of there tricks and flips.  But yea Lauren are you excited for Trek?  Its going to be great and drink tons of water.  Take lots of potty breaks and don't use the urinal cake for soap haha. Thanks for everything you do for me.  Love your favorite missionary!
P.s. Happy Birthday sis

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