Monday, July 2, 2012

50 weeks

Subject: i love the mountians i love the clear blue skys i love 57
whats up, whats up, whats up!
hi family hows it going. this week has been good. and crazy but good.
so on monday it was pday. some missionary's call it better than Christmas because it only six days away. but we went over too this members house, and played a game called snooker. its kind of like pool but way harder. the table is bigger and the balls are smaller and the sticks are longer and the holes are little. plus you have to call your shots or its considered a scratch. this guy used to be the branch pres. but then his wife got really sick. so now he cant even make it to all of church because she is so dependent on him.  but basically he is just a lonely old man that has nothing to do but spend money and work on his talents. he wants so learn how to play the guitar. so i taught him a couple of songs. he also has this metal detector that he playes with. and he lookes for old coins and stuff. we told him he could look in our yard, and he found a 1896 nickel. its worth about 600 bucks! witch is crazy we should have told him that what ever he finds we get 10%. wink jk. but yea so he wants us to come over alot and basically hang out. but we told him we got work to do. remind me not to get old, it sounds lonely.
so yea i bought a camera this week. im sorry i just couldnt wait. my old camara was pissing me off. every time you took a picture it would turn off. and sometimes the lens would not go all the way in or come all the way out. and when you put it on the timer it would would ask you if you were joking. any ways so the camera i got was a cannon power shot A4000. it is sick! the pictures that it takes are amazing! i didn't realize how bad my camera was until i got this one. its almost like the Gospel. people don't realize how off they are without the restored Gospel until they try it out. (i just make that up on the spot) it has 16 mega pixes compared to 12 it has 1080p video 8x zoom and its RED. witch obviously makes it the best. it was about 199.99 but i bout a one year warranty on it for $25. and i love it so much. thanks so much for the camera. (now elder platt wants one)
 wednesday we taught this family with four little girls. the oldest is 10 and the youngest is 2. and they are so hyper and touchy feely. its so hard to teach them. so we brought a white board, markers, and a picture book. to help teach them. i drew out the restoration. and how prophets talk to god through telephone. (it was the only way i could explain it) then i drew Jesus and there like why does the girl have a beard? they were some of my toughest critics i have ever come across. if i wasn't exactly on they would call me out. but we finally got through the lesson. and they said that they would get baptized on july 28! im excited and the ward is super pumped. because there hasnt been a baptism here in like five years or so.
we did alot of driving on Thursday. and we are listening to talkes on all the prophets. for Joseph smith to Gorden b hinckly. there given by a guy named Trumen G Madson. and there so good. im learning alot of detail about the prophets lives. did you know that Joseph smith would test all the apostles. like god test abraham. it was crazy. the church was so awesome back then only the very best for the lord. now the church has gone soft. and the members get offended left and right.
friday was district meeting. and when we got there the whole room was just so stiff. it just felt awkward. like everybody hated one another. i dont know exactly what was going on. but the spirit was definitely not there. then that night we had a lesson with this lady named dian. she is super crazy but super solid. like she has been bouncing around form church to church her whole life. trying to find the truth. and she has taken all of the bad form every body's church and applied them in her life. like she believes in reincarnation. and that she doesn't need to go through Jesus to get to heaven. but we straitend her out. she was super pumped through the whole lesson. and she really wants to know more. she says that she believes in prophets on the earth, and then asked us if she thought that was crazy. and were like that is the right idea.
sunday we invited like 30 people to come to church and like 15 of them showed up. that sounds bad like only 50% but that is great. because only like 20 people show up normally so we almost doubled the people there. i have never seen church so full. it was great. fast and testimony meeting was a little crazy. you know there really good, but there is alot of crazy stories. and that is what this sunday was like. really crazy. but me and elder platt planned on it. so we both shared our testimony's. one at the first and one in the middle. so that the spirit would be there at the first and then people would feed off me in the middle. it wasnt as bad as it could have been.
we got transfer calls last night. and we found out that me and elder platt are staying together for one more. and were getting a new comp named elder wells. until blanchard opens up. its crazy being in a three some. but i think the new branch will open up soon.
so yea the forth of July is coming up and we are doing a branch social. fire works and the whole shibang. but the only problem is we have to leave before any of the fire works go off. (you know bed time at 9) but there will still be hot dogs and BBQ and like a bouncy slide or something.  so that's what were doing on the fourth.
so we have the picture in our appt of nephi shocking his brothers. and i put a sticky note on it. that has nephi saying Expelliomas! (like harry potter) its really fun. you know we have alot of fun as missionaries its just not the fun normal people have. its a whole different relm.
well thanks for your emails. i love you all so much and i will send you a letter and some pictures today.
LOVE Elder Clements

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