Monday, July 30, 2012

doing good

hi family
so this week has been good. we have done alot of area exploring. like going to places were we normally wouldn't go. and there is so many old building and houses here its crazy. this town has been around for about 150 years. and it has barley changed. all of down town looks like its from the 1900's but there are some great ally ways, i want to take some pictures but you would love taking photos here mom. like all the old brick and the fire escapes and stuff. and the old train stations, and factory's.
so i haven't been to the doctors yet (at lest not for me) the mission is kind of slow about that. because you have to get permission to go out of your zone and your area. plus they want to save on as much cost as possible, so most of the doctors we go to are members. and they give us a discounted price or for free. so there is going to have to be alot of scheduling and rescheduling. plus it will have to be at the beginning of next month because of the whole miles thing. but it will get done, and the lord is watching over me. i havent passed out since last weekend so i think i will be allright.
so remember that lady that i told you about last week? well so she invited us over for dinner this week and she also invited the anadarko elders, so we had four missionary's over and they were at a leadership training meeting this whole week, so they were all pumped up to get people baptized. so dinner was great it was like pizza in a pasta. really good, but then when we started to share the lesson everything went down hill. the other elders were being force full about teaching her. and trying to demand that she should read the book of Mormon. so need less to say her guard was up because it was four against one in teaching and with everybody trying to talk over each other it was just a big mess. it left off on a good note, but the spirt left after about five minutes of teaching. we text her after and apologized for the way things turned out. she said it was fine and that we could still come over. but now we will have to be just super care full about the way we go about things.
but any ways. elder platt got a sinus infection. well  he had it for about three weeks but he was just trying to deal with it. so we went to the doctors and tired to get it checked out. but we didn't know where any clinics were in town. so we went over to this members house to ask. and this lady is like super sick, and old. she has something wrong with her spine so she isn't able to function all the way. but when we asked them about a doctor she piped up and said hey im a retired RN (registered nurse) i could take a look if you want. so she goes in the back of her house to get her "kit" and thats when it got funny. elder platt is kind of reserved guy anyways and he has this phobia of people touching him. (and i think he is scared of old people as well) so this lady is like shoving this dirty thermometer down his throat, and coiffing in his face, and trying to give him old pills that she found in her bathroom. elder platt is freaking out and im just busting up laughing. then she drops this pill down her shirt and she is like let me get that. she reaches down there and pulls out this pill that fell in her bra. and then puts it back in the jar and says here take one of these once a day. elder platt is ready to run for the door, i could tell. and im taking pictures and video. one of the funniest thing i have ever seen. needless to say we went to a real doctor and they fixed him right up.
so the next transfers isn't until three weeks. and i don't think i will move any where, i think it is more likely that elder platt will leave and i will get a new comp. thats mostly the way it works but you never know the lord will put you were your suppost to be. i haven't seen any of the new elders yet but im sure i will run across him eventually.
so sounds like you guys are having fun im excited to get your letters, and wow only five weeks left for Dakota. that's crazy. i wonder if he is trunky or not? (trunky is when you think about home and what your going to do when you get there) im shure he is a little bit its only natural.
our district leader elder robison he want to serve another mission after this one. ( i think he is kind of mad that he got sent to Oklahoma) he is about 16 months in. and all he talks about is that he wants to just keep serving and serving, he even wrote the first presidency and asked if he could.
i think the mission is great but, the Lord wants you to accomplish more than just a mission. like start a family and get an education. but if he wants to serve the lord good on him.
well thanks for all you do for me i love you guys so much i hope you have the best week ever!!!
love your favorite missionary elder Payton Clements

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