Monday, February 6, 2012

27th week

hi hows it going.
this has been a good week. you know some weeks are good others not. but this week was good. mom i don't think there is anything that im really craving. but i like sugar. of any kind. so surprise me.
dad thats so cool that you gave that blessing. every time i give a blessing i get super nerves and then the spirit takes over and it all works out ok. the spirit is the best. it helps you out so much as missionary's. with out it we couldn't convert people. but yea my first time giving a blessing was in the mtc. it was to my comp elder brevard. because he was throwing up for like 2 days. so he asked for a blessing. and our whole district came in and helped. it was really spiritual. the next time i gave one was about a week later. when a sister from the district i was teaching, asked for a blessing of comfort.  and i have given about ten from then till now. one just the other day. one of our recent converts dads, had a heart attack and was in a coma. and so me and elder olinger gave him a blessing in the hospital. it was almost a sad blessing. because the spirit said that he would just be comforted at this time. and that his heavenly father loved him so much.
but yea this week has been great. like one of the best number week of my mission. (but numbers don't mean a thing) on pday we played monopoly for like 4 hours. the pdays here are so lame comped to Moore. every one just writes letters or plays games. so its kind of silly. anyway's. but we got home from pday and there was this lady siting on our front porch. and she asked us if we were ready? elder olinger had forgotten that this lady was taking us out to dinner. so we kind of looked like apostate missionaries. because we were in our pday clothes. but we explained everything so its fine.
elder olinger and i decided to be the very best we could and give what the lord deserves. we have been working our rear ends off. and because were doing that the ward is seeing that were working hard. and they get excited and start asking if we need them to come out with us. which is great! when a member comes out with us the investigator is more likely to be baptized and come to church. so thats what we want. we got five member present lessons last week! that's like a mission record. we have gone through a case of book of Mormons so far. and have given away like 5000 pass along cards. and because the ward sees us working they like to reward hard working missionary's. we get fed almost every meal here. (except breakfast) but people are constantly buying us food. or giving us gift cards. its the best. but i will not boast of my self. but i boast in my God for in his strength i can do all things.
because we dont have a gym here its hard to work out in the morning because there is not alot of motivation. because you just work out in the house. so ive gained like 5 pounds. plus people take us out to eat like everyday. so its hard to stay skinny when you eat all kinds of fat. but what ever i can handel it. (maybe i will go bulimic?) jk
nana & papa sent me some uke books so i have been practicing that at night. im getting better. (thank you  nana & papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) im trying to teach olinger how to play but he is not interested. he doesn't like to sing ether so its a challenge to get him to. (did you get the video?) but we sang for this cool family last night. and they loved it. they gave us this sick picture of putting on the armor of God. and in the mirror he is a missionary. (but they had the super bowl on >.< temptaion is the devil)
sunday we committed two people to baptism! there getting baptized on march 10th! there two kids that are grandchildren of this guy in our ward. (this guys has been to 76 different temples) its super cool there such cool kids. one is 10 and the other is 14 there mother wants them to be baptized so thats super cool.
anyways that really it. im sending you a tape and a letter. just so you know. well i love you so much and i want to party with you! you know its not so much that i want to go home but i want you to bee here. you know?
well i love you all so very much your the best
Love elder Clements

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