Monday, July 8, 2013


so this is the last email of the mission. i hope your excited because i am. well here are some stuff that im going to cover. 
so the forth of July we went over to a lady's house for lunch we had shrimp and potato. it was pretty good but the lunch was kind of awkward all of the people there were old.  then for dinner we went to this family's house for watching the fire works and stuff. they are the tallest place in Cushing so the fire works were about eye level from  there. but it is still just a small hill. so were were over there watching the works. and they asked us if we wanted to launch off a couple. we told them we cant. and its against our rules. they said what ever and started lighting some off themselves. so about two in, one rocket flew sideways right into the neighbors field. it was funny at first and we were like good thing it didn't catch anything on fire. then one second latter there was smoke rising up from were it looked like it landed. the rocket landed in a grass field and caught fire.  the fire was only about two feet high but it burned about 500 feet around. the fire department came and put it out. which cost the family around 500 bucks. so if were went obedient and we would have lit that one off. we could have burned down the neighbors field and had to pay 500 bucks. o the blessings of obedience. 
some other things that happened this week. was we taught this lady, she is old,  she is jumping around from church to church looking for a good church. so we taught her the plan of salvation she was just floored at what we taught. she loooved the spirit world and the three kingdoms. she was like this is what i have been looking for my whole life. it was great. so were like will you be baptized and she said yea i would love to be. so she will be baptized in august. 
you know im glad i got to serve in this area my last transfer. it has been one of the best transfers of my mission. i thought it was going to suck opening up an area not knowing anything but it turned out to be super awesome. i love it. 
so im coming home on Thursday you know that. its kind of scary. you know i have been here for so long that home is going to be new for me. 
i guess that's it for this week i love you all so much. i will end with my testimony
that i know the savior lives i know he loves me and he loves each and every one of us. he is our lord and our redeemer. i know that the book of Mormon is the word of God it blesses me each and everyday and that i have come closer to God by reading its pages than any other book. i love it. i love the gospel i love to share it. i know that we have a prophet on the earth today. he is there as our guild. im so great full for the blessings in my life for all the blessing this mission has done for me. and all the things it will continue to do. 
I love you all so much thanks for the support. 
LOve ELdeR ClemenTs 

Monday, July 1, 2013

the cats meow

hello. hi. whats up. how are you doing. hola.
so sorry about last week. i guess the email didn't go through. but what ever. i sent it to you today so hopefully it goes thought this time.
and im glad you got the bike. yes the pieces are supposed to be missing. i took them off to save weight. and make it easy to ship. so they are in my suit case and will come home when i do. so dont worry.
yep so i guess i will give a recap on this week.
Monday we went up to the city to ship my bike home. the city is big lots of construction going on. and no place to park. we saw the bombing memorial. that was good. and plus were no longer in a drought so all the grass is green and the flower/ fountains are working. so it was better to see it this time. then we went to bass pro shop. that was fun but its not as good as cabelas. just saying. then we stop ed by a jewelry store because elder hort wanted to buy a new watch. but the one we went in was like the super high class watches and stuff. Rolex and Berlin. all of the watches there were like $10,000+  there was this one watch that was made by this super exclusive company. and the watch only cost about $51,000. that's it, pocket change. they said that the thunder come in the store all of the time to buy watches. and just the other day they had camron diaz come buy a watch. needless to say we didn't buy anything.
so the rest of the week has been looking better. we have had lots of work to do besides tracking. we did knock some doors but most of the week was trying diff rent people.
on Tuesday we taught this part member family the mom is a member but the rest of the family is not. she hasn't been to church in years so now the kids are like 20 and they haven't been able to here the Gospel yet. so we taught the son and he committed to baptism on the 27th  of july. so that will be great! then on Wednesday we tracked into this lady she had this huge tarantula on her door and she told us we could come back. so on friday we came back to teach her. and she was super solid like one of the best first lessons i have ever had. she was open. she said that if you close your mind of to any religion god cant tell you the truth. it was super awesome. we also committed her to baptism and she said yes but when we tryed to set a date. she said no because she will be out of town for like a month. dang maybe ladder gadder.
i taught on Friday for district meeting again. but this time i switched it up and we played a game on how to begin teaching. where if you have one of the bullet points memorized you got a point and then if you got it right then you got to soot a basket and if you got that you got a point. and who ever had the most points wins. i thought it could help them learn more. make it more interesting and keep them form not falling asleep.
after that we went on exchanges with the zone leaders. we had elder gleeve with us. he is super funny and cool. but because he is a zone leader he gets to drive around in a car all of the time so when we started biking he was super slow.
on Saturday we got this referral form one of our investigators. so we went over there and said a prayer with her. she is super ready to here the Gospel holy cow. she said she is looking to join another church. she had family die recently.  she needs service family is really important to her. just cool. so she needed some one to mow her lawn so we did it for her. it was super tall we had to chase off the tiger before we could get started. the mower kept dieing because the grass was like a foot and a half tall. but she was so great full. she was like no one has done something this nice for me in my whole life. (she must of had a crappy life) jk it was good.
 Sunday was great. we had to teach. blah blah blah. you know im kind of sick of writing emails im not going to lie. i just want to speak to you all ready.
speak, speak to me our messages are instantly more than a hundred and sixty letter can say. (song by David Osmond)
its kind of the same thing with writing in my journal. the same kind of thing happens every day. just with different people. so it kind of get boring you know what im saying. but i guess that means nothing bad is happening. so i should be great full that im not wring to you about some one dieing or something.
well i guess thats it for this week. i love you with all my heart. you are the best family ever!
I know this Gospel is true. it is super awesome i love to share it.
i know it
i live it
i love it.
LoVE eLdeR ClemENts

last weeks letter

so this week has been super crazy super insightful and super fun. I cant believe how awesome this week is.
so first off. if got permission to go down to the city and ship my bike home. so be looking for my bike sometime this week. or early next week.
yes I did see the missionary conference. it was super awesome. the whole ward council was there and they had the look of guilt on there face. it was funny. but it was such a cool conference what an experience. our mission was in there like three times. and a lot of the things that they were implementing was from our mission. so way to lead the way OKC! I just found out that our mission is doing the best in the region. highest baptism rate and everything. were like second in the nation right now. (not to be pride full)
this week I went to the temple for my final time of the mission. every departing mission gets to go before they leave. but its usually on there final day. but since the temple is closed for the next couple of weeks I got to go early. it was super great we got to do a session and then afterward we all got to ask the temple president questions about the church and temple and anything we wanted. about five minutes into the conversation my mind was blown. was what a great day. I love love love the temple. than after that I got an interview with president taylor and also sister Taylor. they just asked me what I was going to do when I get home and stuff. it kind of made me trunky because usually you don't get that until your final day. but because there leaving early they wanted to interview us before they leave.
sorry this email has to be short because there is only three computers and I need to share with my comp. so he can email to. plus he is not going home in like three weeks either. so I thought I would give him a chance. keep up the good work be good missionaries. and I will talk at you latter.
I haven't gotten any letters yet. so idk maybe they will come today.
Love you so very much
Elder Clements