Monday, October 29, 2012

Pray for her

hello hello. family
so whats up. this week was high flying awesomeness. you guys sounded
like you had a good week to. O before i forget there is a family that
wants to move to Utah in our ward. there looking for a house that has
like three or four bedrooms. preferably south of salt lake city. we
have been working with them for about 3 months and trying to get them
to the temple. and to help quite smoking. but i told them i would ask
around and see what i could find. so if you could send me some
information or just keep your eyes open that would be great!
but this week was good. on Monday we had zone pday. we played kick
ball at the church. i got to see elder shupe again. so that was fun
seeing him. i miss that kid no offense to any of my other comps but he
was probably my favorite. it was really fun playing but the zone
leaders were being sticks in the mud because they wanted to play
basketball but no one else did. after that we had a specialized
training meeting on the heavenly gift. we had to film ourselves
knocking on doors and how we prayed and interacted with people. they
were not real people so dont worry we just knocked on the church doors
and another missionary would pretend to be the investigator. it was
funny filming ourselves and all our weird facial expressions  and the
way that we talk. and i filmed elder charlesworth and elder otuafi and
they are fighting like cats and dogs so they were not in unity the
whole time and you could just tell that they hated each other on the
camera. and elder charlesworth knelled down to say the prayer and he
has this huge bald spot on the top of his head. but you cant normally
see it because he is tall.
so we were asked to sing in sacrament meeting on sunday. so we had to
practice one night and we sang ill go were you want me to go. but no
one would give us a ride to the church so we had to bike the five
miles there. so about half way through elder jones asked if we want to
race. so because i don't want that greeny to out run me i just start
boo-kin it down the road im my highest gear. we reached speed over 25
mph down hill. but in the end i came out victorious. (yea take that
new guy) elder dalia and beames were far behind and elder dalia is
riding a bike that the bike shop rented him. and a car stopped right
in front of him and he flipped over his handle bars.  because his back
brake wasn't working as good as the front. this is his second bike
crash in like a week.
but back to the singing, it was two high of a song for all of us to
sing. and the lady was playing in a weird key so we didnt know how to
sing it? so she yelled at us the whole time because we weren't singing
it right.
on thursday we taught this lady names sister charles. she is a really
sweet older lady. she has been looking into the church for about a
year but she never has joined because her husband is a preacher of
another church. so we have been working with her. and our lesson went
super great! she said that when she does bible study in her church she
feels like she is not progressing and when she goes to our church she
is learning more and she feels the spirit. and were like duh thats
because your church doesn't have the fullness of the gospel.  so we
asked her if she prayed to know if the book of Mormon is true? and she
said that she had and she knows that its the word of God. and she
knows that god wants her to join this church. it was so fricken sick!
i love how the gospel changes people. but she talked to her husband
and he was shocked but she knows what god wants her to do. cross your
fingers and pray to God that she gets baptized no matter what.
we had the ward Halloween party/ Chile cook off. and that was fun. we
got to be the judges and there was some really good Chile and some
really bad Chile. the one that one had beef sirloin pieces in it and
bacon. it was so good. and the worst one was a vegan flavor one. i
think it had real vegans in it.
on Sunday we sang in church and it was terrible. we sucked so bad you
could see people shaking there heads and stuff. it was kind of dumb.
every one sang really quietly and elder jones/ beames stopped singing
half way through. just a bad song choice.
than that night we had a baptism and me and elder dalia sang how can i
be at that. and it was completely opposite. the spirit was in the air
people were crying and the kids were excited to be baptized. they were
two nine year old boys that there family is less active and we have
been working with.  just a good week all together.
but thanks for all that you do for me and the ward back home. don't go
less active or i will hunt you down. i would write more but elder
johnson is waiting for a computer.
i love you and i miss you and i will talk at you ladder.
LOve your favorite missionary Elder Clements

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