Monday, September 17, 2012

9 months left

hi family
so yea im glad that i got your emails this week because last email was
so boring i almost died! i will admit i was kind of mad but im glad i
got them this week. so dakota is home holy fish piss! time flys when
your on a mission. i will write him a letter today.
so Lauren how was the dance? did you have fun? what did he look like,
what did you look like? tell me all about it in your letter. i haven
gotten a letter in forever it feels like. because all of the other
members in the house are green so they get letters like twice a week.
but its ok they need them.
so this week has been good. on Monday we went up to mount scott its
the tallest place in Oklahoma. and its super not tall. yea its the
highest ive been in like 14 months but still its nothing compared to
the bountiful hill. we had lots of fun up there. we saw some buffalo
and elder dalia about peed his pants when he saw it. it was such a
long drive up there, it was about 4 hours. we did it for zone pday so
all of the members of our zone went up. i saw elder shupe again, man i
miss that kid. we took lots of pictures. and we played a game of
football on the top of the mountain. it was fun but dangerous, elder
beams fell of the mountain and rolled like three times. and some one
threw the ball off the side of a cliff on accident.
so we went on exchanges this week i was with elder otuafi, and so to
start off my tire was flat so i bought a new slime tube. ($12) i
started pumping it up and filled it to about 60 psi then put the cap
on and went down to put it on my bike and it exploded in my face! a
peace of rubber hit my arm and cut it open and gave me a big bruise,
and a piece hit my helmet and made a big dent in it. so i went to the
bike store to get a new tube and to find out what the heck was wrong
with it. so the guy sold me a new tube and he put it on himself. ($18)
so i started biking and i set my bike down on the ground and the tire
got a big bubble in the side and it blew it out again! so the other
elders picked me and otuafi up. we went to the bike shop and the guy
was like o you must need a new tire. i was freaking pissed i yelled at
the guy and told him that he should have done his job better and
shouldn't try to rip me off. i had to buy a new tire and another inner
tube. ($65) he gave me a discount but he should have given it to me
for free because it was his fault. i needed the tire, otherwise i
wouldn't have been able to get home or work until i got a new one. so
i just bought it. man biking can get expensive.
anyways we have been helping this less active lady out alot this week.
we helped her set up/ run her booth that she had at this convention.
it was crazy and weird. she does birthday party's and stuff so we
helped run her games and bring people in. i brought the uke in and
played for people.
i don't really remember what all happened this week. o this was funny
one of the ladys we are teaching, she is from Germany and she doesn't
know the language all of the way but she knows how to swear. so in
church in Sunday school she was commenting on what the teacher said
about something. the lesson was on tithing. and she said people need
to stop B****ING about there fasting, and just do it because the lord
asked us. it was so funny everybody just kind of got quite and didn't
know what to say.
then last night we were about to go in because it was about 8:20 but
we made one more stop, we saw this family and taught them and helped
answer there questions about Joseph smith. it was more history then
doctor-in but he really liked our answers. he said that him and his
family would love to join our church. because family is the most
important thing in the world to him. and we told him that that is what
the lord wants. for us to be together for ever with our family.
well i guess that it for this week i hope you guys have an awesome day
and week and month and 9 months. i love you all so much and i will
talk to you guys soon
Love Elder Clements
PS can you please pray that i can find my memory card with all my
pictures on it. ive looked everywhere and it would be really great if
i could find it you know.

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