Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 40 and Sunday I get a Call :)

Subject: jesus is the best 57

HI Y'all!
things are going so great in the OKC! i love serving the lord. its like 10 times better than ice cream! (ok maybe only 9 times) but yea. so first off. this elder that was in my district went home early. last week he was all joking around about it. but he was so full of crap his eyes were brown. i love that kid. but then all of a sudden he was gone. he had an interview with P. Taylor for like 2 hours. and now he is home. he will have the opportunity to come back out in about December of this year. so that's crazy he is like the third elder that went home that i know. just goes to show you to take care of it before hand.
and so because of that, elder Garner. (our district leader/ his comp) is super stressed out and pissed. for one. he has only been in this area for about 2 weeks. so he doesn't know the ward or the area or how to get there. two. he got a new companion but this one got an emergency transfer from his last area. so he was being baby and sent out by the zone leaders in texas. at district meeting he was about to rip someone's head off.
this week has been going good other than that. we played basketball on Monday. we taught the plan of salvation to this guy that his wife just died. we helped this 96 year old lady quite smoking (and she looks great like i could have sworn she was 50) we got a new baptismal date with this kid. and the ward loves us!
so this family we are teaching. their less active. and haven't been to church in about five years because of the last bishop. but we started teaching then and helping them come back to church. there Son wants to be baptized so were dunking him on the 2nd of June. his dad works in the oil Fields so he doesn't really have the father figure in the house. but he is still a good kid. we taught him three times this week so that we could teach him while his dad is home.
then we taught the guy that got his fingers chopped off. and he gets the Gospel so well. everything we teach him he just lights up! he cant put the book of Mormon down. he is already in Alma. and we gave him the book a week ago. really cool. i love how this Gospel helps people out. it truly is the true church of Jesus Christ.
so ive been playing the uke for dinner appointments right. and the young men's leader was like wow that is truly a beautiful instrument. and he wanted me to play in front of the young men's/ young women's. it was kind of scary but i got though it. i played "how can i be" it was so good half the class was crying by the end. (i was one of them) then i played of the high priest group leader at dinner on Friday. and he was like you know whatthe stake is trying to put together a string ensemble for a stake conference or something. and he said that he wanted me to play in it!  crazy.
elder shupe an i are doing great. i love that kid. we have spent so much time together its almost like were brothers. he started finishing my sentences the other day. were working hard to make things happen. we have so much stuff to do. were teaching the Gospel so hard! our teaching skill are getting alot better. the spirit is just flowing in every lesson we teach. dang i love the Gospel.
o and this was cool we tracked into this lady and gave her a book of Mormon and she said she would read it. and we went back in three days and we asked her if she read it? and she was like yes im almost done! i stayed up all night and read! but the only problem with that is she doesn't speak very good English. so we had a hard time teaching her. i don't know what we will do? maybe i will just pray for the gift of interpretation of tongues?
on Cinco De mayo we had sister fords b-tizum. we have been teaching here for the past 18 weeks. and she finally is baptized the ward is freakin freaking out. because she used to be anti and wouldn't even talk to the home teachers. but her baptism was so spectacular. she was just glowing! her face just lit up when she showed up. and her smile just kept getting bigger and bigger as the program went on. i had to lead the music for the program and i just kind of made it up as i went along.
but yea that's kind of it for this week. i cant wait to talk to you guys on Sunday. is nana and papa going to be there? i think i will call you about 4 o'clock? ish your time? but i will let you know. theres not really letting us know what the whole deal is.
i got your package and i love the pictures! they were so great. i want to go to Mexico. and did you say the shark necklace was in there? 
well i love you guys so much and i will talk to you on sunday!
Love your favorite missionary
Elder Payton Clements

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